Wednesday, December 3, 2014

October 2014

The renters finally came to the top of the list for rental assistance. However, this poor little house did not qualify in any way shape or form, and remember the garage door? I'd spent a little more than our life savings getting it to that point. So it had come time to part ways.


We would survive.

We thought.

Remember those dogs that only did their business outside? Come to find out that the one little room upstairs was their room and if it was cold outside they wanted to stay in their room. Oh my heck! Who lets that happen in a room in a house that they live in. Yuck! That carpet had to go. Hopefully that would be the only room since the carpet was relatively new. Well that room and the room downstairs because after working with all those valuable tools in the new garage the renter could only take off his boots that he'd been wading in oil every afternoon in the middle of the front room floor. So that had to go too...

Poor Sam and Andi. It actually all had to go in the end. That was one nasty smelly job. I decided I was not cut out to be a landlord.
cleaning out the carpet

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