So every old house has it's little quirks and ticks that make it unique right? Well the little house on center street is no exception to the rule. While vacuuming out some old insulation after tearing out a wall (between the kitchen and stair room) I clogged the hose. Yep. I tried to suck up a dead bird, and not just any dead bird, one without a head (which I never did find). Wonder where that came from. It was inside a wall. Eeek!
That and a few petrified mice helped make exploring more fun. But look how sweet it looks with the kitchen wall out, everything will be so open and cheery. And so glad that I can sleep at night knowing that there aren't any old walls with dead things lurking in them. I have to apologize to the neighbors though. They say that now that we don't have such an inviting homey place for little critters that they are all moving into their garage. Tyler has become the great white hunter of mice. Alisa says that he's catching two to three a day. Again I apologize but I have to admit that it's much nicer at night to not hear their little tappy toes tipping through the old heat ducts. Silence is sometimes a very good thing.
But I still don't know about that bird. No head? What's up with that?
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